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Students use Clever to access Schoology, Office 365, and other links for students. For online textbooks, students in grades K-5 use Clever.

Palencia News

Fast Testing Resources

FAST Family Portal

Test and Sample Materials User Guide

Curriculum Chat Information!

2nd Grade and 4th Grade Curriculum Chat: Wednesday, August 28, 2024… 5:45pm-6:45pm

3rd Grade and 5th Grade Curriculum Chat: Tuesday, September 3, 2024…5:45pm-6:45pm

Kindergarten (except Mrs. Banks) and 1st Grade Curriculum Chat: Wednesday, September 4, 2024…5:45pm-6:45pm

Mrs. Banks’ Kindergarten Class (ONLY) Curriculum Chat: Thursday, September 5, 2024…5:45pm-6:45pm

Media Advisory Committee:

We are currently looking to fill the following positions on our School Media Advisory Committee:  a parent of a K-2 student, a parent of a 3-5 student, and a Community Member/Layperson (not the parent of a current student).  If you may be interested in serving on this committee, please contact Mrs. Goodrich by September 12, 2024 at [email protected].

Absence Notes

Please submit the ONLINE ATTENDANCE FORM to the front office when your student in absent.

Change in Afternoon Transportation & EARLY DISMISSALS

Rainy Day Dismissal

For the safety of all students, children may not be checked out of school after 2:15 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday and 1:15 on Wednesday.

If you need to change the way your child goes home in the afternoon or for an early dismissal, please complete our Dismissal Change Form by clicking the button below.   Early Dismissals – Note  – we do not send children to the front office until you have arrived and shown your photo ID to the front office staff.

Dismissal changes can only be accepted before 2:00pm (1:00pm on Wednesdays).  

For the safety of all students, children may not be checked out of school after 2:15 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday and 1:15 on Wednesday.

If you need to change the way your child goes home in the afternoon or for an early dismissal, please complete our Dismissal Change Form by clicking the button below.   Early Dismissals – Note  – we do not send children to the front office until you have arrived and shown your photo ID to the front office staff.

Dismissal changes can only be accepted before 2:00pm (1:00pm on Wednesdays).  

We cannot accept phone calls for those changes.  Changes in afternoon transportation should only be for emergency situations.  Thank you for your understanding.

A MESSAGE FROM Captain Goodrich


Welcome to the 24-25 school year, PES families! 

The teachers, staff and I are so excited to have our school full of student learning and laughter once again. Here are a few need to know, back to school tidbits:

Arrival – 8:00 -8:20 AM. The tardy bell rings at 8:25 AM. Students arriving past 8:25 AM will need to be signed in by an adult in the front office.

Dismissal – 2:45 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. 1:45 PM every Wednesday.

– During arrival and dismissal, please ONLY turn right when exiting the school onto Palencia Village Drive. Our arrival / dismissal line gets completely backed up and will be at a standstill if people wait for clearance to turn left. I understand this can be inconvenient to some. Thank you for not being the one to halt the whole system. 😉 

– Please familiarize yourself with the information on our school website.

– We love volunteers and our partnerships with parents. Anyone entering the school building during school hours MUST have school access and a valid photo ID. Click here to complete School Access requirements

Looking forward to an incredible first day and school year ahead!

Together in Education,

Catherine Goodrich, Principal

School District News

"IEP 101: Understanding the IEP Process" Virtual Discussion on October 1

Please join us on October 1, 2024, from 6pm to 7:30pm for a virtual discussion titled "IEP 101: Understanding the IEP Process." The discussion will include an informative session on IEPs, where experts from FDLRS will guide you through the key aspects of the IEP process and provide guidance on confidently navigating your child's educational path.

Learn more about this event

IEP 101: Understanding the IEP Proces Flyer

Important Information


SchoolMessenger provides parents/guardians with a mobile app and website which allows them to view and listen to previous messages and to verify their phone numbers. SchoolMessenger also lets parents/guardians select which modes of communication they prefer (voice/text/email) based on the type of message being sent

Learn more about SchoolMessenger

Change of Address

Did you move recently? Please notify the school immediately of your new address by completing the SJCSD Change of Address Form and submit with documentation to [email protected]

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

The St. Johns County School District is now open to a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) environment. Please know this is an optional item. District issued devices will continue to be available in our classrooms.

Learn more about the BYOD Program

FortifyFL App

FortifyFL is a website and app developed at the direction of the Florida Legislature. Any student, educator, parent or member of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously and easily through the FortifyFL app or

School Access

This is just a reminder that anyone (parent, guardian, friend, neighbor, aunt, uncle) must have school access to attend an event at Palencia Elementary, have lunch with a student and/or attend an awards assembly. If you have not already done so, please complete the School Access Form. The process for approval may take up to 4 weeks, so please fill out the application sooner than later for any guests that would like to have school access. Once the application is approved, school access will be valid for three years.