Mrs. Gordon Counseling Corner

Palencia's Counseling Program Mission

What is a comprehensive school counseling program?

Counselor Role and Philosophy
Emerging trends in education have caused counselors roles to constantly change. In the past, counselors had more of a “guidance” role and mostly worked on assisting students with class schedules and college applications. According to the ASCA, “they help all students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development and career development, ensuring today’s students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow” (2017). Counselors also promote equity to ensure that all students have equal opportunity to a challenging curriculum. They must fight against policies that are barriers for student success. By taking away obstacles, counselors can open the playing field, so every student has access to all services. Counselors can then provide preventative as well as intervention services, closing the gap of various subgroups of students, such as low income or certain ethnicity. As the Palencia School Counselor, I can provide this support by individual counseling, group counseling, Guidance Lessons, as well as other services.
It is imperative that school counselors are leaders in their profession. Counselors should have strong leadership skills and be able to effectively communicate a vision for change. Part of being a leader is also being an advocate for all students. As a counselor, I believe I play an integral role in maintaining a welcoming school culture that leads the way in continual school improvement. Counselors are constantly collaborating with others and by having these relationships, it can support them to influence positive change.

Florida's Comprehensive School Counseling Program and State Standards
In St. Johns County School District, the School Counseling Programs follow the ASCA National Standards as well as the Florida State Standards.
Click on the link to learn more about Florida’s School
Counseling Framework and State Standards.

Academic Success
Here are some resources for parents and teachers to help children with their academic success. If you need more support please contact me for other options.
Provides a vast array of information on back easing your child back to school. Also, contains information on home/school communication, managing technology use, and dealing with homework.
The Learning Community:
This site offers free parent resources for all subjects, as well as behavior and family life. It also provides videos to help students learn.
Read Write Think:
On this site you can find numerous resources and information regarding reading and writing that is listed by grade level. Included are activities and projects, games and tools, and tips and “how to’s”.

Special Programs
St. Johns County Exceptional Student Education:
Here you will find information on programs for exceptional students. This includes the ESE programs, Gifted Services, 504 Plans, MTSS and RtI.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act:
Information for students with disabilities, including laws, grants, and funding.
This site provides information regarding the differences between a 504 and an IEP. It shows a detailed chart on the two documents and also provides resources on exceptional student laws and resources.
Career Exploration

A virtual community where students can explore various careers. Students can watch videos of people in certain careers, as well as complete job-related activities. This resource connects school to work and careers, providing games that are real world such as using math as a pharmacist to fill prescriptions or practicing writing as a public relations specialist.

An abundance of information about exploring careers in a kid friendly way. There are various interactive activities for career exploration and searching careers. This site also includes resources students can print such as career activity booklets, puzzles, and activities. Also, on this site, there is a section titled All About You! where students can play games, paint, color, and type to learn about themselves to explore careers that fit their personal preferences.

This site is an animated interactive site for younger children for learning about careers. On this site, students will follow Paws the dog as he explains different careers, helps search for different jobs, and also quizzes students on what one does in specific jobs.

Social Development
Provides information and videos on teaching students about bullying, what it means and how to prevent it.
Information on internet safety laws and online protection tools.
Tips for parents to teach their child about diversity and cultural awareness. Includes information on other topics such as single parents, military families, interracial families, older parents, and gay or lesbian parents.
Important Resources
Florida Department of Children and Families– To report child abuse or neglect: 1-800-ABUSE (22873) or go to
Care Connect-Resources for medical services, rental assistance, food, banks, transportation and more: (904) 819-3070
Suicide Prevention Hotline-: (904)-273-TALK (8255)